J. Edward Swan II

I have been blessed by working with many excellent students.  Many of my former students have remained valued collaborators.


  • Kendall Moore, PhD Computer Science
  • Monika Jankun-Kelly, PhD Computer Science
  • Derek Willis, MS Computer Science
  • Sean Douglas, PhD Computer Science
  • Becky Deitenbeck, PhD Computer Science
  • Karl Smink, PhD Computer Science
  • Robert Dilworth, PhD Computer Science
  • Joel Huber, MS Computer Science

Joining the Lab

If you are already on campus, come talk to me. I like to talk. If you are not yet on campus, you must apply to our graduate (or undergraduate) program. If your statement of purpose mentions me and discusses the work of the SPAAR lab, I will be asked to review your application. I cannot review your materials before you apply. All accepted students receive full consideration for available funding.


  • Mohammed Arefin, PhD Computer Science, 2022
    Initial: Postdoctoral Fellow, DEVCOM US Army Research Laboratory (ARL-West), Los Angeles, CA
    Current: Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
  • Nate Phillips, PhD Computer Science, 2022
    Current: Rhodes College, Entrepreneur, Memphis, TN
  • Farzana Khan, MS Computer Science, 2022
    Current: Research Technician, Starkville, MS
  • Taylor Ray, MS Computer Science, 2021
    Current: Data Scientist, Hard Rock Digital, Austin, TX
  • Dennis Wu, MS Computer Science, 2020
    Current: Data Integration Specialist, Bitwerx, Lexington, KY
  • Karl Smink, MS Computer Science, 2020
    Current: Computer Scientist, Information Technology Laboratory, Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS
  • Krishna Muuva, MS Computer Science, 2019
    Current: PhD student at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, NE
  • Eli Davis, MS Computer Science, 2019
    Current: Immersive Technology Studio Analyst, Exxon, Houston, TX
  • Kristen Massey, MS Computer Science, 2018
    Current: Software Engineer, Torch Technologies, Huntsville, AL
  • Sujan Reddy, PhD Computer Science, 2018
    Initial: Computer Specialist, Child Health and Development Project, Social Science Research Center, Mississippi State University
    Current: Assistant Research Professor, Social Science Research Center, Mississippi State University
  • Trey Cook, MS Computer Science, 2017
    Current: Software Engineer, Green Mountain Technology, Memphis, TN
  • Kenny Moser, PhD Computer Science, 2016
    Initial: Research and Development Engineer, Marxent Labs, Inc., Dayton, OH
    Current: Research and Development Engineer, Radiance Technologies, Inc., Dayton, OH
  • Chunya Hua, MS Computer Science, 2014
    Current: Software Developer, Google Inc., Mountain View, CA
  • Gurjot Singh, PhD Computer Science, 2013
    Initial: Postdoctoral Scholar, Center for Human-Computer Interaction, Virginia Tech
    Current: Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics, Becton College, Fairleigh Dickinson University
  • Lorraine Lin, BS Computer Science, 2012
    Current: PhD student at Clemson University
  • J. Adam Jones, PhD Computer Science, 2011
    Initial: Postdoctoral Scholar, Institute for Creative Technologies, University of Southern California
    Then: Postdoctoral Scholar, School of Computing, Clemson University
    Then: Assistant Professor, Department of Computer and Information Science, University of Mississippi
    Current: Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Mississippi State University
  • Teena Garrison, PhD Cognitive Science, 2010
    Co-advisor: Carrick Williams
    Initial: Assistant Research Professor, Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems, Mississippi State University
    Current: Crash Safety Research Center, LLC
  • Alexander Morais, MS Computer Science, 2009
    Current: Software Engineer, EchoStar
  • Chad Steed, PhD Computer Science, 2008
    Co-advisor: TJ Jankun-Kelly
    Initial: Scientist, Naval Research Laboratory
    Then: Scientist, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
    Current: Distinguished Research Staff and Leader of the Data Science and Visualization Group, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  • Joseph L. Gabbard, PhD Computer Science, Virginia Tech, 2008
    Co-advisor: Deborah Hix
    Initial: Assistant Research Professor, Virginia Bioinformatics Institute, Virginia Tech
    Then: Associate Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Virginia Tech
    Current: Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Virginia Tech
  • Joseph Langley, MS Computer Science, 2006
    Co-advisor: Susan Bridges
    Current: Naval Research Laboratory