Syllabus: CSE 4833 / 6833 Introduction to Algorithms
Grading Scale
Graded Activities
Homework Assignments: We will have 5 to 6 homework assignments during the semester. Most of the questions will be chosen from the exercises given at the end of each chapter in our textbook. Students taking CSE 6833 will generally have several extra questions to answer; students taking CSE 4833 will not be required to answer these extra questions. As described under the section on Collaboration below, I allow a greater degree of collaboration on homework assignments than is allowed under the strictest possible interpretation of the CSE Department's Undergraduate and Graduate Studies Academic Honesty Policies. Homework assignments will always be due on class days, and will be due at the beginning of the class period. On days when homework is due, we will spend most of — and likely the entire — class meeting going over the homework questions. After this class meeting, you will have up to 24 hours to resubmit any homework question(s) that you desire; these resubmitted questions will add points to your homework grade. Homework questions turned in after the beginning of the class period will be considered resubmissions. You should take the homework assignments seriously — they are the best way to learn the material in this course. If you cannot complete a homework assignment in time, turn it in late, both to collect some points and to further study and learn the material! Additional details on homework assignments and how the resubmissions are graded. Midterm Exams: We will have two midterm exams during the semester. Final Exam: Our final exam will be given during the scheduled final exam time. Grading and AppealsI will be working with a grader this semester. If you disagree with a grade, you need to provide me with a written appeal. Although you can discuss a grade with me, I generally won't make a decision regarding the grade based on a discussion, but only on a written appeal. Academic Honesty / Misconduct and CollaborationIn this course, students are expected to uphold the Mississippi State University Honor Code:
Students are also expected to maintain the standards of academic honesty that are described in the CSE Department's Undergraduate Studies Academic Honesty Policy (CSE 4833), or the CSE Department's Graduate Studies Academic Honesty Policy (CSE 6833). These standards apply in their entirety to the midterm exams and the final exam. However, in the real world people work in groups. I encourage students to collaborate on homework assignments in terms of discussing general approaches. Students may also assist each other in algorithm debugging. However, the solution for each assignment must be written individually by each student. This means do not turn in answers downloaded off the Internet or accessed by other means. Do not turn in someone else's work as if it were your own. Do not turn in an answer that is a carbon-copy of somebody else's answer. Do not turn in an answer that you cannot verbally explain to the Professor or the Grader. These are important policies. Not only will violators fail to learn the course material, but violators will receive an "XF" in this course, and will otherwise be handled according the CSE Department's Undergraduate or Graduate Studies Academic Honesty Policies, as well as the Academic Operating Policy and Procedure of Mississippi State University. As a professor at Mississippi State University, I am required to report all incidents of academic misconduct. Missed ExamsOccasionally students miss examinations. Sometimes the student knows about these absences in advance, and sometimes they happen unexpectedly. If you know in advance that you will be absent and you wish to have the absence considered excused, then you must meet with me before the date of the exam, and I will let you know whether or not the absence will be excused. If your excused absence will occur during an exam, then I will make arrangements for you to take the exam early. If you miss an exam unexpectedly and wish to have the absence considered excused, then you must meet with the me at the earliest opportunity possible after the absence, and provide documentation to support your claim that the absence should be considered excused. If the absence is excused, then I will substitute the average number of points of your other exams for the missed exam. For unexcused absences from examinations you will unfortunately receive a score of zero points. Additional PoliciesAttendance and Audits: Attendance is required in this class. Although attendance will not affect your grade, I will take roll, and I will list absences on midterm and final grade reports. Students who miss class are still responsible for the material covered and for any assignments distributed. Students who are auditing the course must attend at least 75% of the class meetings in order to receive a passing grade. Personal Electronic Devices: Students must respect their fellow students and not disrupt class. Therefore, cell phones, pagers, other such alarms, or personal conversations which disturb the lecture are not allowed. Students with personal laptops may bring them to class; however, laptops are not required for this course. Grade of Incomplete (I): Following MSU policy, incomplete grades will only be given in extreme circumstances, such as illness, death in a student's immediate family, or similar circumstances beyond a student's control. No Food or Drinks in Class: It is the CSE department's policy that you can't eat or dink in Butler hall classrooms. Email: When I send class-related email, I will use your email address. Drop / Add Policy: This class follows Mississippi State University's Official Drop/Add Policy: Last modified: August 19, 2009 |