Syllabus: CSE 2813-02 Discrete Structures, Spring 2012
Grading Scale
Graded Activities
Exams: There will be two in-class midterm exams during the semester. The final exam will be comprehensive, and will be given during the scheduled final exam time. Quizzes: There will be approximately 8 to 9 in-class quizzes, which will be based upon homework problems that are assigned for the week Class Participation: The class participation grade is calculated as g = 0.05*(n – a)/n, where g is the class participation grade, n is the number of days on which attendance is taken, and a is the number of absences. Note that, although attendance will be taken on most days, it will not be taken every day. If you are absent and do not want the absence to affect your class participation grade, discuss the absence with me. If I judge the absence to be excused, then I will reduce n for you by one, which means that the absence will not affect your class participation grade. Honors CreditEnrollment: Students taking the class for honors credit will have to enroll in the honors sections. After the last day to add a class, a student enrolled in an honors section cannot change to a non-honors section and vice-versa. Honors Project: Honors students will complete an independent project in addition to the regular class work. I must approve the project before the work commences, so talk to me first. The textbook suggests many interesting projects. Honors Grading: For the honors students, the honors project will count for 10% of the overall grade, while the remaining 90% of the grade will be calculated as described above. Note that failing to submit an honors project will result in a grade of 0 for the honors portion of the grade, which will drop the overall average by a letter grade. Missed ExamsOccasionally students miss examinations. Sometimes the student knows about these absences in advance, and sometimes they happen unexpectedly. If you know in advance that you will be absent and you wish to have the absence considered excused, then you must meet with me before the date of the exam, and I will let you know whether or not the absence will be excused. If your excused absence will occur during an exam, then I will make arrangements for you to take the exam early. If you miss an exam unexpectedly and wish to have the absence considered excused, then you must meet with the me at the earliest opportunity possible after the absence, and provide documentation to support your claim that the absence should be considered excused. If the absence is excused, then I will substitute the average grade of your other exams (midterms and final) for the missed exam. For unexcused absences from examinations you will unfortunately receive a score of zero points. Missed QuizzesIf you know in advance that you will be absent during a quiz, and make prior arrangements with me, then your missed quiz will not count towards your final course grade. Otherwise, a missed quiz will result in a grade of zero points. Grading and AppealsI will be working with a grader this semester. If you disagree with a grade, you need to provide me with a written appeal. Although you can discuss a grade with me, I generally won't make a decision regarding the grade based on a discussion, but only on a written appeal. Academic Honesty and MisconductIn this course, students are expected to uphold the Mississippi State University Honor Code:
Students are also expected to maintain the standards of academic honesty that are described in the CSE Department's Undergraduate Studies Academic Honesty Policy.
This are important policies. Not only will violators fail to learn the course material, but violators will receive an XF in this course, and will otherwise be handled according the CSE Department's Undergraduate or Graduate Studies Academic Honesty Policies, as well as the Academic Operating Policy and Procedure of Mississippi State University. As a professor at Mississippi State University, I am required to report all incidents of academic misconduct. Additional PoliciesAttendance and Audits: I will list absences on midterm and final grade reports. Students who miss class are responsible for the material covered and for any assignments distributed. Students who are auditing the course must attend at least 75% of the class meetings in order to receive a passing grade. Personal Electronic Devices: Students must respect their fellow students and not disrupt class. Therefore, cell phones, pagers, other such alarms, or personal conversations which disturb the lecture are not allowed. Students with personal laptops are encouraged to bring them to class; however, laptops are not required for this course. Grade of Incomplete (I): Following MSU policy, incomplete grades will only be given in extreme circumstances, such as illness, death in a student's immediate family, or similar circumstances beyond a student's control. No Food or Drinks in Class: It is the CSE department's policy that you can't eat or dink in Butler hall classrooms. Email: When I send class-related email, I will use your email address. Drop / Add Policy: This class follows Mississippi State University's Official Drop/Add Policy:
Right to ChangeI reserve the right to change the course policies or schedule in order to facilitate instruction. Any such changes will be discussed in class and updated on the course web site. Last modified: March 01, 2012 |